Email-2-SMS – validate user on IP address or APIKEY

Instead of sending the username and password over the internet in clear text, it is possible to validate you, as a user, on the IP address of your mail server.

This requires that you know the public IP address of your e mail server, and that this address will be static over time.

You can add the IP address of your server to the field IP address in your account settings (danish) on the portal.

After adding your IP address, it will be possible to send SMS direct from mail without using account name and account password.



Example 2 "Sending to a group"


It is possible to get an APIKEY to. This key identifices the user, without revealing the actual username and password. You can get the APIkey by writing to

When you have the key, you should send a mail to

phonenumber.apikey.[the actual key]
