HTTP(s) – Response
After submitting a message using the api, you will get an immediate response. This response can be:
Unauthorized SenderID | You are trying to send a message with a senderID that is not permitted. Try to change the SenderID or write [email protected] to get permission to use this SenderID. | |
Invalid hostname, sender address or password | We cannot validate your account. Not by username, password, host-ip or sender-address. | |
Wrong phone number | You have submitted a wrong recipient phone number. The numbers are not validated in real time. Only if we are sure this is a wrong phone number this message is received. | |
Not enough kredits on your account. | The balance on your account is not sufficient to send the message. | |
The same message to the same recipient | You have submitted the same message to the same recipient within the threashold time set on your account. | |
You have entered wrong parameters | Some other parameters are not correct. | |
Message sent. | The message has been accepted by the SMSC. | |
Something is wrong with the message. | Catch-all error. Something went wrong. |
Note: The parameters are NOT case senstive.